HTP Inaugurates IT Centre in Orsha

8 December 2009

On December 8, 2009 HTP inaugurated a new resource IT Centre in Orsha. The project was implemented in the framework of HTP activities aimed at promoting of technical education among schoolchildren and encouraging them to get engineering, computer science and other technical education. The Centre was set up on the basis of the City Education Department.

Alexander Martinkevich, Deputy Director of HTP Administration, says:
“Orsha has become the first place where Hi-Tech Park created a resource IT Centre for the whole city, not only for a separate educational institution. This Centre will serve as a subsidiary of HTP in Orsha for schoolchildren and will make it possible to hold remote “IT Essentials” courses, collect a digital library of educational books, which could be used by teachers to teach a wide range of classroom subjects. Besides, computer hobby groups for children and teenagers will function in the Centre and specialized courses for all willing will be taught there.”

V. Zagurski, head of Orsha City Education Department, says:
“Thanks to HTP we have received an opportunity to organize methodical work using informational technologies. Creating electronic media library with educational literature and establishing interscholastic elective courses for pupils give us an opportunity to engage the best teachers and work with schoolchildren individually.”

The Centre was established thanks to the sponsorship of HTP companies-residents System technologies, EPAM Systems, Top Soft, SamSolutions, Itransition, Softclub – Development Centre and Softeq Development.