HTP Opened 6 Department Branches of BSU and BSUIR

21 May 2013

On May 21 the grand opening of six department branches of Belarusian State University and Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics took place in the Hi-Tech Park. This unique project implemented by the HTP resident-company EPAM Systems is a new effective way of making higher education closer to the IT industry, applying theoretical knowledge to practice and therefore improving the skills and competitiveness of our specialists and making it easier for graduates to adapt to new workplaces.

The increase in the amount of IT specialists is a key factor that ensures a regular growth of the HTP resident-companies’ revenue and exports, as well as their participation in more complex and expensive projects, and enables them to develop of their own software products. Success of IT companies on the national and international markets would be impossible without highly qualified specialists and the demand for such employees is growing by leaps and bounds. That’s why it’s become a tradition for the HTP residents to build close ties with universities of the country.

The following people took part in the event: the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus S. Maskevich, the Rector of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics M. Batura, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Belarusian State University V. Suvorov, the Director of the Hi-Tech Park Administration V. Tsepkalo and the Founder and President of the Board of Directors of EPAM Systems A. Dobkin. After the grand opening ceremony the guests looked around the premises and planted trees in token of cooperation, unification and support of knowledge.

EPAM Systems is highly experienced in organizing educational process: the company opened labs on the basis of the leading universities in the capital and in the regions as well. The difference between joint R&D labs at the universities and department branches lies in the scale of cooperation. The work of department branches implies cooperation between specialists of IT companies and universities regarding curriculum and educational material. The opening of the branches will provide the opportunity to promptly react to the demand on the labor market and make necessary changes to educational process.

The department branches of BSU and BSUIR, namely of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Web Technologies and Computer Modeling and Functional Analysis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of BSU; Software for Information Technologies, Computer Science and Electronic Computing Machines of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks of BSUIR) will open their doors on the premises of the HTP on Kuprevich Street in September.

Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
