Belarus Hi Tech Park
How has the legal regulation of the provision of sponsorship changed for HTP residents with the entry into force of Decree No. 8?
The provision of sponsorship assistance is regulated by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of July 1, 2005 No. 300 “On the provision and use of gratuitous (sponsorship) assistance” (hereinafter - Decree No. 300), paragraph 2 of which defines the list of purposes for which sponsorship assistance can be provided.
The Regulations on the Hi-Tech Park, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 21, 2017 No. 8 "On the Development of the Digital Economy", provides for additional powers of HTP residents, improving their legal status. At the same time, the norms of Decree No. 300 establish general rules for the provision of sponsorship. The approximate form of the agreement for the provision of gratuitous (sponsorship) assistance, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 13, 2005 No. 779.
The Regulation on the Hi-Tech Park grants HTP residents the right to provide gratuitous (sponsorship) assistance to educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus for purposes independently determined by the parties in the agreement on the provision of such assistance. Thus, HTP residents have the opportunity to provide sponsorship assistance, as for the purposes established by Decree No. 300, and for purposes determined independently, in the case of sponsorship of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
About the preparation of business projects
In accordance with clause 4 of the Regulations on the Park of High Technologies, approved by the Decree of the President of September 22, 2005 No. 12, for registration as a resident of the Park of High Technologies, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur submits to the administration of the Park a business project that is proposed to be implemented as a resident Hi-Tech Park.
The department for registration of residents of the HTP administration provides consultations on registration as residents of the High-Tech Park with the issuance of appropriate methodological recommendations and comprehensive explanations. This allows the applicant to independently (by their own employees) prepare a business project for registration as a resident of the Park of High Technologies.
Please note that the involvement of an external consultant organization by the applicant for the preparation of a business project does not in any way affect the acquisition of the status of a resident of the Park of High Technologies.
According to clause 7 of the Regulations on the Hi-Tech Park, the decision to register (refuse to register) a legal entity or individual entrepreneur as a resident of the Hi-Tech Park is made by the Supervisory Board, taking into account the importance and significance of the presented business project for the development of the new and high technologies.