Andersen hits top 1000 fastest growing companies in Europe

19 March 2024

The Financial Times jointly with the German research agency Statista has published the eighth annual FT 1000 ranking of Europe's fastest growing companies. For the first time, the IT company Andersen with its office in Hi-Tech Park was included in the list, ranking 330th out of 1000. 

FT 1000 showcases companies, that have coped with the challenging period of Covid-19 and achieved significant economic growth, and covers a wide range of fields - construction, e-commerce, fintech, energy, etc. IT companies represent the largest group in the list, with more than 180 of them. 

The updated ranking includes businesses, having achieved the highest compound annual revenue growth rate (CAGR) for 2019-2022. To qualify for the list, companies must have a minimum revenue of €100k in 2019 and €1.5m in 2022. The minimum average revenue growth rate should be 36.3 per cent.

Andersen is an international software development company that has been operating in the IT market for 10 years. It has more than 15 development offices in different countries, including one in High Tech Park Belarus.

Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
