Belarus tops Coursera ranking for second year in a row

22 June 2022

The online education platform Coursera published its latest Global Skills Report 2022. It assesses the competence of more than 100 million learners from 108 countries on three of the most important skill areas: business, technology, and data science.

Belarus continues to hold the 1st place among 33 states in Europe in technology skills. In the world ranking, as in the previous two years, Belarus retains the 2nd position, but this time Indonesia is in the lead.


In the Data Science category, Belarus improved its result in the world ranking by 6 positions and became 5th after Indonesia, Denmark, Finland and Switzerland.


In the global ranking, which takes into account the results in all three categories, Belarus retained its 12th position, while in Europe it climbed one place and is now the 9th place.
