IT community celebrates the winners of the GreatStartup competition
Today the jury announces the results of the GreatStartup contest. The Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great Stone" hosts the awarding ceremony.
Recall, that only 20 startup projects in the field of healthcare, education, agriculture, entertainment, smart home, etc. have made it to the finals.
In the "SMART PROJECT" nomination the project "Genius Child" receives the honorable 3rd place and a cash prize. The solution is the first abstract drawing studio with a marketplace and a blockchain-based meta-universe.
The application "Wind of Luck" wins silver and a cash certificate. It is a gaming platform for advertising campaigns in augmented reality.
The project "Artificial Intelligence for Analyzing Medical Images", which will serve as the main assistant and backup for radiologists, wins the nomination and receives a money certificate. The project is aimed at creating AI for analyzing radiographs and soon – also computer tomography scans.
In addition, the Hi-Tech Park gives a special mention to the Barband project, which is granted the co-working space in the HTP business incubator. Also, all finalists receive a special offer for data center services from HTP resident company CJSC "International Business Alliance".
According to the results of the nomination "HARDWARE PROJECT", the project "Innovative electric heating systems made of DDcompany bicarbon fiber" receives a bronze medal with a cash prize. According to the developers of the solution, they have created the most energy-efficient and cross-functional electric heating system from bicarbon fiber.
The project "Methodology of adaptive therapy of respiratory insufficiency and its hardware and software implementation in the form of a medical device for optimizing oxygen consumption" is 2nd in the nomination and gets a money certificate. A unique method of immediate correction of the oxygen supply rate to the patient during the respiratory failure therapy based on monitoring of blood pH, body temperature, respiratory rate, saturation and pulse rate is developed in order to optimize oxygen consumption and increase therapy efficiency.
The project "HomeID" becomes the winner with a cash certificate prize. The solution is a video intercom and access control system in a residential complex and a private house, which allows receiving video calls from guests and managing all entrances and passways in the residential complex using a convenient application.
In addition, the "HomeID" project wins in the Belagroprombank nomination "Breakthrough Startup". The project "Methodology of adaptive therapy of respiratory failure and its hardware and software implementation in the form of a medical device to optimize oxygen consumption” becomes Nо 1 in the nomination "Best Engineering Startup". It receives the status of a resident of the technopark "EnCata" and services for the development of a business plan of the investment project.