Space Hackathon with Bank Processing Centre in Hi-Tech Park

26 October 2024

The finals of Space Hackathon with Bank Processing Centre took place in Hi-Tech Park on 25 October 2024.


The Startup Centre BSU, the youth entrepreneurial community StartUp Space BSU and the Secretariat of Hi-Tech Park Supervisory Board organised the event with the support of Bank Processing Centre.

In total, more than 160 people - students, undergraduates and postgraduates of Belarusian universities - registered for the hackathon. 15 teams out of 33 made it to the finals.



The participants had to develop solutions to increase the transaction activity of Belkart payment system cards.

The three-day competition consisted of an educational block, independent teamwork, 2 checkpoints. The speakers were leading experts from the fintech sector, who shared insights and experience gained over the years of work in the industry.

The selected teams demonstrated their knowledge in practice and presented their solutions to the expert committee. Te finalists identified problems and offered their vision of how to tackle the task at hand, as well gave their solutions a personal touch with the help of gamification elements.

The expert commission consisted of the management and employees of Bank Processing Centre, representatives of the Hi-Tech Park Supervisory Board, Belarusian State University.


Presenting the certificates of participation to the finalists, Alexander Zhuk, Head of the International Relations Department of the Belarusian State University, noted the minimal difference in tenths of points in the teams' results according to the results of the expert commission voting, comparing the atmosphere of the hackathon with the worthy rivalry at the world competitions.

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The winner's diploma of Space Hackathon with Bank Processing Centre was awarded to Pavel Nasevich's team (BSU and BSUIR students). They presented a solution, enabling Belkart users to make online payments regardless of the platform and device by means of payment with tokenised cards.


The second place was taken by Vladimir Khmel's team (BSU students), which developed a cross-platform mobile application for making payments using BLE technology. In addition, the young people received an invitation to visit the office of the Bank Processing Centre for an interview.


The third in the list of winners was Daria Sidorskaya's team (BSU students), having presented an application to increase transactions by introducing a system for parents to give pocket money to their children in a cashless format.