UN data: per capita export of computer services in Belarus exceeds $300

28 July 2022

The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has published Handbook of Statistics 2021, including data on export of computer services by UN member states. 

According to the report, export of computer services per capita in Belarus increased in 2021 by 20% and reached $ 320. Previous year this figure comprised $ 267.

The year-end results place Belarus among the leaders in Eastern Europe by this indicator. The Czech Republic and Romania also join the top three. 

Within a particular country, this parameter characterizes the development of IT sector as well as its importance for the national economy. According to the results of 2021, per capita export of computer services in Hungary amounted to $276, Poland - $266, the USA - $135, South Korea - $156, Japan - $75, Russia - $44 and Georgia - $35. 

In Belarus, export of computer services is attained by Hi-Tech Park resident companies. In 2021, the total Hi-Tech Park exports reached $ 3.2 billion; the HTP share in the total export of services in Belarus   exceeds 30%.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is the UN General Assembly main authority in the sphere of trade and development.  Its main objective is to facilitate and promote international trade, elaborate recommendations and mechanisms for modern international economic relations, as well as to participate in their coordination. UNCTAD publishes reliable statistical data necessary for the analysis of international trade, economic trends, external financial resources, etc.