Scratch Master 2018 Competition for Teachers

16 January 2018

The Hi-Tech Park announces the launch of Scratch Master, an open competition for school teachers.

The idea is to create educational projects in Scratch for students of 2-6 grades.

We invite teachers who conduct elective classes within the following educational programs:
- Creative Activity in Scratch (grades 2-4);
- Computer Game Development in Scratch (grades 5-6).

Educational projects for the contest should address a topic introduced to students in grades 2-6 in mathematics, Russian or social studies classes.

Projects should stimulate students' cognitive activity and help them understand and remember new information. Projects can be created as interactive models, simulators, computer games, etc.

The competition is held in two stages. Three best projects in each category will be selected to compete in the final stage.

The finals will be conducted in Minsk on February 10-11 as a hackathon.

Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
