The Company was founded in 2019 and is part of the Group of Companies «Farmin» - one of the largest distributors at pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Belarus. The establishment was initiated by the management of the Group of companies on the basis of Software Department and Information Technology Department. The Company specializes in the development of software products, provision of services for implementation of information systems in the pharmaceutical business. Developmentis carried out for operating systems based on Windows and Linux using various programming languages (Delphi, C #, JavaScript, PHP, 1C), DBMS (MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.) and technologies (DevExpress, FastReport, .NET, NodeJS, Express Framework, Websocket, React, React Native). 

UNP: 193190315
The number of employees: <10
City: Minsk
Legal address: 177-62, cab. 15B,Nezavisimosty Ave.
Phone: +375-17-269-88-34
Year of foundation: 2019
  • Software development
  • Data processing
  • Fundamenal and applied research
  • Cloud-based development of hardware and software
  • IT-consulting
  • System analisys, business analisys
Sphere of competence:
  • Information Technology
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
