Belarus Hi Tech Park

The company was founded in 2001, currently employs 15 IT Specialists, including specialists certified as Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) and Oracle Certified Professional (OCP). Development technologies, tools and languages: JavaEE, JSF, JAX-WS, Spring, EJB, JPA, REST, GWT, Hibernate, Glassfish, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse IDE, GWT, Lotus Domino, Drupal, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, PHP, operating systems Linux and Sun® Solaris, DBMS Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL.
• 365/ArboNed, Utrecht, the Netherlands; • ProAct BV, Zoetermeer, the Netherlands; • Heineken Nederland BV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; • EventTouch BV, Gouda, the Netherlands; • Stork Food Systems, Boxmeer, the Netherlands; • North Scotland Water Authority, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; • Thames Water, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom; • Your Test Professionals BV, Amstelveen, the Netherlands; • Leo Kannerhuis BV, Doorwerth, the Netherlands; • Veltion BV, Schelluinen, the Netherlands.
- Software development
- Data processing
- Fundamenal and applied research