Biclast Solutions
The main activity of the company is to participate in custom made software development projects, which are based on data analysis, machine learning algorithms and neural networks, solving classification and regression problems, text and image processing.
The following DBs, machine learning frameworks, BI and DevOps tools are used: Оracle DB, ClickHouse, HBase, Apache Spark, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, PyTorch, XGBoost, TensorFlow, Redash, Apache Superset, Docker, Kubernetes. The development process may occur on-premises or in cloud using AWS EC2 and Google Cloud Platform.
The following programming languages are used: Python, Java, Scala, Golang, Javascript, SQL, PL/SQL.
- Software development
- Fundamenal and applied research
- Hardware and software packages development
- Development of data transfer equipment
- Search and processing of data for third parties
- Information Technology
- Telecommunications, Media and Advertising
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