“UNIDEV” LLC is a domestic, software developing organization. The company was founded in 2019 and specializes in providing consulting services in the field of IT, as well as the development of software and information technology - a platform in the field of information security in such areas as industry, banking, agriculture and retail. The technologies that are currently used are Apple iOS, Android OS, programming languages Swift, Dart, Python, C ++ and others. Currently, the staff has 4 employees in Minsk.

UNP: 193234820
The number of employees: <10
City: Minsk
Legal address: 66 Кarla Libknehta street, 21B - 3
Phone: +375291032323
Email: info@unidev.by
Year of foundation: 2019
  • Software development
  • Fundamenal and applied research
  • Technical and/or cryptographic protection of information
Sphere of competence:
  • Information Technology

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
