Globant Bel

Globant Bel is a Belarusian software developer. The company is a part of the Globant international group of companies headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina (founded in 2003). Globant has 6,7 thousand employees with its offices in 13 countries. Recognized as a global leader in digital strategy consulting, the company’s projects are studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard and Stanford Universities.

The company also specializes in the development of custom software, implementation of mobile technologies and information systems in such areas as retail, banking and finance, insurance, telecommunications. We use iOS, Android, HTML5 / JavaScript, Cordova / PhoneGap / IBM Worklight, Ruby, .NET, Java, etc.

Globant's clients include such well-known companies as Google, Emirates, Disney, Electronic Arts and others.

Today the Minsk office includes 50 employees.

UNP: 191285663
The number of employees: 101-500
City: Minsk
Legal address: 79 Pritytskogo Street, office 501
Phone: + 375 33 346 24 62
Year of foundation: 2010
  • Software development

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
