
Company was established in 2018, currently employs 40 people, the staff is constantly expanding, the main direction is hard & soft development, the largest competencies are: Java, PHP, Node.js. Mobile iosandroid and cross-platform React Native development, Web development React.js.

UNP: 690672140
The number of employees: 11-50
City: Minsk
Legal address: Minsk region, Minsk district, Large Stiklevo, Novodvorsky s/s 40/2 office 24
Phone: +375297507615
Year of foundation: 2018
  • Software development
  • Hardware and software packages development
  • Cloud-based development of hardware and software
Sphere of competence:
  • Information Technology
  • Construction and real estate
  • Smart House
  • Telecommunications, Media and Advertising

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
