Hi-Tech Nation

High-Tech Nation LLC is an innovative company developing and implementing IoT products. The Company's key projects are: adaptive home automation system, as a part of Smart Home concept, and a wireless control system for industrial and urban lighting working with Smart City and Industry 4.0 environment. The company specializes in Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data (Big Data), Mobile Applications (Mobile), Server Software (Server), software and hardware for sensors and controllers. High-Tech Nation LLC currently has 10 employees in Minsk and Novopolotsk.

UNP: 193067189
City: Array
Legal address: Per. Zagorodny 3rd, 4B, office 28
Phone: +375-29 3455269
Email: ceo.babushkin@htn.by
Experience: 6 years
  • Micro-, optical, nano-electronics, microelectric mechanics
  • Internet of things (IoT)