Security Lab LLC

The company provides a wide range of services in the field of information security, certification and declaration of information security means, application development and testing, penetration testing (Pentest).

UNP: 192926968
The number of employees: 11-50
City: Minsk
Legal address: 220141, Minsk, Independence Ave. building 172 room 213
Phone: +375445508813
Year of foundation: 2019
  • Software development
  • Fundamenal and applied research
  • Micro-, optical, nano-electronics, microelectric mechanics
  • Hardware and software packages development
  • Manufacture of knowledge-based materials and hi-tech devices
  • Technical and/or cryptographic protection of information
  • IT-consulting
  • System analisys, business analisys
  • IT-audit
  • State-run information systems maintanance
Sphere of competence:
  • Information Technology
  • Safety

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
